And Driving Happened

I honestly didn’t know whether I was terrified or excited at the prospect of driving here in Ireland. We were in Dublin a few years ago but did not rent a car. This time though, this time I knew I would be behind the wheel at some point. I mentioned to the property manager here that I wanted to get it right – and the next day I had the official driving handbook!

Nothing terribly shocking or surprising in there, except the dreaded words “drive on the left”.

The Brother was flying in from Berlin (where he lives with his wonderful wife and twin 6 year old daughters), so the Cousin and I rode the bus to the Kerry Airport, about 45 minutes away. It is the cutest airport! I think it appeals to my love of small things 😉

Yep, that’s it

The airport has one arrivals gate and one departure gate, plus a surprisingly good cafe. If you find yourself needing to be in the southwest of Ireland (Dingle peninsula, Ring of Kerry) this is a great and easy option.

Looking from one end of the airport to the other

Now to pick up our rental car…

Good thing there were signs like this or I would never have found the rental office!

Then, it was time. I was faced with no option but to drive.

For those of you who have wondered – the gears are the same as right hand drive. As are the clutch, brake and accelerator.

We drove the car from the rental area out to the main lot and parked. I congratulated myself for getting to that point with no mishaps! The Brother was retrieved from the adorably petite airport and we set out to get home without incident. Goal accomplished. The most difficult part was judging lane position and how far to the left I was. My passengers were very good about letting me know that I needed to correct positioning 🙂

Freeways and major highways weren’t a problem at all. Roundabouts were weird, but not problematic. I’ll do a separate post on all that we did and saw over the weekend (it was awesome!), but let’s just say that it involved roads like this:

This road at least had lane markings. And two cars could pass each other.
No lane markings. And if it was a bigger vehicle it was best to just wait until they had passed. Happily there was not a rock wall on my left…
And then there was this one. Which was technically a two way road. Fortunately, no one came the other direction while we were on it.