Christmas in Connecticut

Time has certainly flown by! Christmas has come and gone, and we are on the west coast (the proper coast) now. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with the Oldest son, Daughter in law (of the elder order? Need to differentiate between DIL – one for each son) and the Grandson. New England was kind enough to keep most of it’s nasty weather for a time when we weren’t there, which was immensely appreciated. Due to various influences only the DIL and I went to church on Christmas Eve (which also happens to be her birthday). We were all in various stages of the plague as well. Ugh.

St Patrick’s Church in Mystic, Connecticut on Christmas Eve. Such a pretty little church.
The altar all prettified for Christmas

Normally, when we are in Connecticut, we take the time to explore a new area, but with Christmas we elected not to do that this trip. It was the daughter’s first trip there though, so she and I took a long drive one gorgeous afternoon. This way I was able to show her a few interesting and pretty sites nearby .

This is where Amelia Earhart married her husband, George Putnam, in Noank
A beautiful spot just outside of Noank
The Mystic River (taken from the drawbridge)
One of the best bakeries/restaurants EVER!
A sample of the beautiful creations💖
Somebody shot Rudolph…😭
Actually pretty cute…and memorable…which I’m sure was the point!

Right after Christmas, it was finally time to head home!

The sight of Nanook made me smile.
One end of I-90
…and the other end!
Something we try to remember!

I know this is a super short post, but a lot has gone on, without much time to devote to writing. It’s been good to spend time in the Pacific Northwest again, but we could have done without Snowmaggedon 2020…especially when there isn’t a lot of snow removal equipment. I’ll post more on that shortly.