This is it. All of it. And I have to say that while we thought we were organized, we really weren’t. The learning curve is rather large on this one. There will be significant rethinking of everything once we are in Connecticut. Where we should arrive right about dawn. But then we will be with Most Adorable Grandson (and his parents). That makes everything good.
Lesson #2 came at SeaTac. There was no pre-check line the direction we wanted to go, but we decided to use that security check anyway, instead of going down to the main one. MISTAKE. Yes, we got the cute little card that allowed us to keep our shoes and jackets on, but all of the electronics had to come out. Oh yes, all of them. This failed on the fun-o-meter. There we were, trying to find everything in our poorly organized bags, get it into bins, trying to keep track of the many bins it took – just a disaster all around. Lesson learned, thank you very much.
To the children we are leaving here in the Northwest, we will miss you terribly (spouses and grandpuppies included). To the many friends we have had to say so long to (and the many we didn’t get a chance to see), we will miss you terribly. To all of our wonderful family: stay healthy, get healthy, we will miss you terribly too. We will be back before you know it. Besides…we have to get all the stuff we ended up leaving at my dad’s! To all my shoes and clothes that I left behind, I will miss you terribly too
So here we go: on another adventure together. The first adventure was raising three wonderful children together. Now, for another one…